
Trio Smart Breath Test

Trio Smart Breath Test – Preparation instructions

The Trio-Smart Breath Test should only be performed if it has been more than 2 weeks since:

  1. Finished taking oral antibiotics
  2. Colonoscopy or barium enema Xray
  3. Episode of very severe diarrhea lasting a day or longer

Trio Smart Kit Instructions

Stop taking:

  • Probiotics at least 5 days before the test
  • Fiber supplements at least 2 days before the test
  • If you take over-the-counter or prescription laxatives, stop them enough days before your test that you are not in the middle of responding to them when you perform the test. 
  • Avoid Pepto-Bismol, long acting peppermint such as IBGard, other herbal supplements (especially that contain oil of oregano, or berberine, which suppress the gut bacteria), for at least 2 days before the test. 
  • Avoid taking Imodium or the generic loperamide anti-diarrhea medication, or the prescription anti-cramping medications dicyclomine or hyoscyamine starting the day before the test.

Diet Prep

Please note that the diet prep is restrictive. Be sure to drink plenty of water and keep busy.

Day before the test: Avoid fermentable foods such as complex carbohydrates on the day prior to testing. Complex carbohydrates include beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables. Plan to have protein such as any meat, fish, eggs, or plain or firm (not silken) tofu, or seitan.  Plan to have simple carbohydrates such as white rice and white potato. If rice causes bloating, okay to have plain oatmeal or squash. Limit seasonings to oil, salt, and pepper. Limit beverages to water, coffee, and tea (without sugar or dairy).

  • No grains (wheat, rye, barley or gluten-free breads or pastas) quinoa, corn, tapioca, yams
  • No fruit or fruit juices, no vegetables, no vegetable juices
  • No dairy products, especially yogurt or kefir
  • No Ensure, Boost or other high calorie drinks, shakes, smoothies
  • No nuts or seeds
  • No legumes including beans, chickpeas (Garbanzo beans) or hummus, lentils, peas
  • No spices, condiments, herbs

Sample Diet:

  • Breakfast: Rice cereal with rice milk, eggs, salt and pepper
  • Lunch: Canned tuna plain with rice cakes, olive oil, salt and pepper
  • Dinner: Chicken with white rice or rice-based noodles, salt and pepper

Most importantly, plan to fast for a full 12 hours before you perform the test. For example, fast from 7PM to 7AM the next morning. Start fasting timer after your last bite of food. You may only have water. No candies, breath mints, gum or cough drops for a full 12 hours before you perform the test.  

Morning of the test: No cigarette smoking, no vigorous exercise, no lying down during the test.  Have some water, and brush your teeth well either with just water, or if you use toothpaste or mouthwash, don’t swallow any, and rinse your mouth out very well with water.

When your test is complete + you have received results: For dietary intervention for symptom management, we encourage seeing our dietitian.

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