Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

Understanding a Specialized Diagnostic Procedure
What is an ERCP?
Why would I need ERCP?
Cancer of the liver, pancreas, or bile ducts
Blockages, narrowing, or stones in the ducts
Infection in the ducts
Suspected tumors
Fluid leakage from the bile or pancreatic ducts

What should I expect during an ERCP?
During an ERCP, your provider uses X-rays combined with endoscopy. An endoscopy procedure is done with an endoscope, a long tube with a light and a camera.
The doctor gives you a local anesthetic as well as a mild sedative before the procedure. In some cases, an anesthesiologist administers sedation if your procedure is complex or lengthy.
The provider passes the endoscope through your mouth, esophagus, and stomach until it reaches the first part of your small intestine, known as the duodenum.
They look at the common opening to the ducts to view any problems and then pass a narrow plastic tube, called a catheter, through the endoscope and into the ducts. A dye is injected and X-rays are taken to get additional diagnostic information.
What will I feel during an ERCP?
You lie on your abdomen on an X-ray table for the procedure. You won’t feel much during the ERCP since you’re sedated, and the endoscope doesn’t interfere with breathing.
Expect to feel a bloating sensation because air is introduced during the ERCP.

Are there complications associated with an ERCP?
Most people have no problems following an ERCP, and serious complications are quite uncommon. It is possible to suffer inflammation of the pancreas, bowel perforation, or bleeding. Some people also suffer an adverse reaction to the sedative. All the possible complications, no matter how rare, are discussed with you prior to the procedure.
If you have symptoms that suggest you need an ERCP, trust the providers at Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County to perform this important diagnostic procedure. Call today or book online for a thorough consultation.