Colon Cancer Screening

Doctor with human Colon anatomy model.

Colon Cancer Screening:

Early Detection for Better Health

In cancers that affect both men and women, colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in American adults. But with more awareness and colon cancer screening, doctors can save thousands of lives every year. The highly skilled team of gastroenterologists at Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County offers colon cancer screening using the “gold standard,” which is colonoscopy. To schedule your colon cancer screening, contact one of the offices in Mission Viejo, Tustin, Irvine, and Huntington Beach, by phone or book online today.

What is colon cancer?

Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the large intestine. Though you can develop colon cancer at any age, it’s more common as you get older.

The cancerous tumor usually starts as a benign colon polyp, which is a growth that develops on the lining of your large intestine. Over time, the cells in the polyp mutate and turn cancerous, creating a cancerous tumor.

Every year, physicians diagnose about 150,000 new cases of colorectal cancer and more than 50,000 lives are lost to the disease. Researchers believe that increased awareness and screening can save at least 30,000 of those lives each year.

Woman holding human Colon anatomy model.

When do I need a colon cancer screening?

Your primary care physician or your gastroenterologist at Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County determines when you need a colon cancer screening.

If you’re in good health and don’t have colon cancer risk factors, you may start colon cancer screenings at the age of 45.

You may benefit from earlier screening if you have:

  • A family history of colon cancer
  • A personal history of colon polyps
  • A personal history of colon cancer
  • An inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease)
Though there are many types of colon cancer screening tests, the colonoscopy is the “gold standard.” It’s the best way to identify and remove precancerous polyps that form in your colon.
Gastroenterologist with human colon model at table in clinic

What can I expect during colon cancer screening?

When you come in for your initial consultation, your gastroenterologist reviews what you need to do to prepare for your colonoscopy and what you can expect during and after the procedure. Patient safety is our top concern, and the team ensures that every patient has a smooth and comfortable experience.

To minimize pain and ease anxiety, you receive a mild sedative prior to the colonoscopy. During the screening, your gastroenterologist inserts a colonoscope, which is a thin flexible tube equipped with a light and camera, into your rectum.

Your specialist slowly advances the colonoscope through your colon

to closely evaluate the tissue and look for signs of abnormalities. In addition to removing any polyps that are found, your gastroenterologist may take tissue samples for a biopsy.

After your colon cancer screening, your provider sends you to the recovery area and reviews the preliminary findings with you. You need to arrange to have someone drive you home after your colonoscopy and take it easy for the rest of the day.

Colon cancer screening can save your life. Call the Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County office nearest you or book a consultation online today.

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