
Woman having hemorrhoid

Do I Need Surgery for My Hemorrhoids?

You may be surprised to learn that everyone has hemorrhoids. Medically speaking, hemorrhoids are veins located inside and outside the anal canal. In healthy individuals, they help prevent accidental leaks of stool and fluid. 

Generally, when people refer to hemorrhoids, they are describing a condition where these veins have become enlarged or inflamed. The team at Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County can help patients with hemorrhoids throughout Orange County, California. Below, we ask our experts to explain the causes of hemorrhoids and how they’re treated.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

About 40% of hemorrhoidal disease sufferers don’t experience any symptoms. Internal hemorrhoids, located inside the rectum, cause fewer symptoms than external hemorrhoids due to the lack of nerves in the area. 

However, symptoms that suggest the possibility of internal hemorrhoids include:

  • Bright red blood on toilet paper and in the stool
  • Mucus in the stool 
  • Mild incontinence

In rare cases, sufferers may experience pain if a blood clot is caught in an internal hemorrhoid. 

External hemorrhoids are located outside your anus and often cause more pain and irritation.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids include: 

  • Fullness and itching
  • The feeling of sitting on something 
  • Bleeding

Occasionally, a blood clot can get stuck in external hemorrhoids, causing purple nodules on the outside of the anus and acute pain that comes in bursts.

Treatments for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids occur due to irritation and pressure in the rectum due to chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, excess weight, pregnancy, or anal intercourse. The first line of treatment for hemorrhoids includes creams and ointments that reduce the intensity of the symptoms but don’t eliminate the growths. 

Hemorrhoids can get bigger over time when left untreated. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through extensive surgery to get them removed. Our specialists can assist you with the FDA-approved CRH O’Regan System®, the gold standard for removing hemorrhoids with less bleeding and decreased recovery time.

During the procedure, our experts use gentle vacuum suction to hold the hemorrhoids and attach a rubber band to stop the blood supply and cause the hemorrhoids to fall off. The procedure is brief and is minimally painful, but you may feel some throbbing and discomfort.

Within a couple of days, your hemorrhoids fall off on their own. During this time, you may notice some light bleeding. This is a normal part of the recovery, as there’s a small wound left behind which takes about 10 days to heal. 

As part of your hemorrhoid treatment, our experts can also help you get a better understanding of what caused your issues to begin with. We can make personalized recommendations such as a diet that decreases strain on the toilet and ensures healthy bowel movements. 

If you suspect you have hemorrhoids, you may face more discomfort the longer you delay. Don’t hesitate to contact the Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County and schedule an appointment.